Earn up to $1165 for every website referral with 20% monthly recurring lifetime commissions.
Incentivize referrals to sign up with a discount code that gives them 40% off their first month!
For example, with the $97 Enhance plan, your referral will get ~$20 off the first month and you get ~$20 EACH MONTH they are a customer!
Tell you more? Sure!
Earn 20% lifetime commissions
When you refer a customer, you’ll get paid every single month while their care plan is active.
Customers work with me for 35 months, on average
My average customer keeps their care plan for 35 months. That means 35 monthly payments to you per referral!
90-day tracking code
We provide 90-day tracking cookies to ensure you get credited for the sale, even when customers don’t purchase on the first visit.
Up to $1165 per referral
When you refer someone to an Optimize Plan successfully, you could earn over $1165 on that referral alone (based on average length of customers).
Currently, the affiliate program is open to current care plan subscribers or by invitation only. If you are already a client, please login and you may apply for the affiliate program.